In this section, include a list of the things the teacher need to prepare (or have ready) before the lesson. This would include anticipated materials needed for differentiation.
It is often easiest to complete the Instructional Procedures first and then complete this section.
In this section, include a list of the things the teacher needs to bring to or have ready for the lesson. This might include a writing tool, a math journal, something they worked on (but didn’t finish) the day before, or something brought from home.
It is often easiest to complete the Instructional Procedures first and then complete this section.
In this section, include a list of the technology items you will need for the lesson. Be sure that your use of technology is intentional and has a specific purpose - one that will complement your lesson and help move students towards the lesson’s learning goal.
This would be the section where you would include links to YouTube videos, Google documents, links to websites, etc.
It is often easiest to complete the Instructional Procedures first and then complete this section.